Monday, January 6, 2020

Different Views on Assisted suicide (I Agree with Assisted Suicide) Free Essay Example, 2000 words

In other words, earth is the only planet in which life exists as per the evidences we have until now. Thus, life becomes most precious thing in this universe. Since human has superior intellectual power, human life seems to be the most important one among other life forms and it should not be destroyed under any circumstances. The chemistry of life is still unknown to science even though we are living in a most advanced era at present. Human succeeded in unveiling many mysteries; however, the secret behind life is still uncatchable to them. Once the life is being destroyed, nobody can give it back to a person. In short, human life is the most important thing in this universe and it should not be destroyed, according to the arguments of critics of assisted suicide. The third argument against assisted suicide is related to philosophy. Many of the prominent philosophers like Immanuel Kant, John Locke etc were argued against the assisted suicide in one way or other. Locke argued that life, like liberty, represents an inalienable right, which cannot be taken from, or given away by, an individual. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Views on Assisted suicide (I Agree with Assisted Suicide) or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now For Kant, suicide was a paradigmatic example of an action that violates moral responsibility. Kant believed that the proper end of rational beings requires self-preservation, and that suicide would therefore be inconsistent with the fundamental value of human life (Chapter 5: The Ethical Debate, 2001, p. 81). Locke argued that right to leave is a natural right and it should not be taken away even in critical circumstances. In his opinion, nobody has come to this world at their will and therefore nobody has the moral right to finish their lives at their will. In other words, life and death are controlled by some other entity and human does not have any authority over these issues. Immanuel Kant also put forward similar arguments. In his opinion, the fundamental value of life is much more than what an ordinary person thinks and therefore it should be preserved as much as possible. Since life is an irreversible process, human should never take anythin g granted while taking decisions to end their lives. No human knows from where he comes and where he goes after death. Moreover, nobody knows whether a life after death is possible or not. Under such circumstances, it is better to sustain the life as much as possible rather than finishing it midway through the life span. Another reason cited against assisted suicide s with respect to the ability of the person who demands assisted suicide, to take rational decisions.

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